Rolls Royce Armoured Car Ref: SMEB/VK01
This kit contains comprehensive written intructions and illustrations. Transfers for Royal Naval Air Service, Army Western Front and the Middle East are provided. There are 164 cast White metal parts and 56 etched components. From 1920, there were a few external changes in style, (see SMB/VP05) but basically this vehicle soldiered on through many theatres and served in World War Two. Clearly visible here, the engine is also included.
'Crew members' can be produced by converting standard figures.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special Delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £108.00/$135.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Rolls Royce Armoured Car with `disc' wheels Ref: SMEB/VK01A
Essentially the same as SMEB/VK01 but with `disc' rather than `spoked' wheels.
Picture courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special Delivery " or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £108.00/$135.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Douglas Model 'R' Ref: SMEB/VK02
2.75 hp motorcycle with rider.
The Douglas was light and reliable - a favourite with despatch riders.
Kit contains over 50 White metal or photo etched parts.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £28.80/$36.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Douglas Model 'R' with sidecar Ref: SMEB/VK03
Kit has over 50 White metal or photo etched parts.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £31.20/$39.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Vickers 'CLYNO' Ref: SMEB/VK04
The 'CLYNO' equiped the machine gun corps. The gun was dismounted from the sidecar and set up on their tripods for firing. The sidecar could either carry the machine gun or twenty boxes of ammo.
Driver SMB18A, Passenger SMB18B. Scroll to "British - General activities"
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £40.80/$51.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
The Dennis 3 ton W.O. Lorry Ref: SMEB/VK05
The Dennis 3 ton W.O. subsidy lorry was eventually to number over 7,000 units in the service of the Army. Our kit has 133 cast White metal parts, etchings, lead sheet, transfers and detailed instructions. It even has the White and Poppe engine.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special Delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £102.00/$127.50 (Including VAT at 20%)
MK X 'G.S.' Wagon Ref: SMEB/VK06
This kit is supplied without the driver, the horses or the load. See SMEBVK06K for the complete set.
The ubiquitus 'G.S. Wagon' criss-crossed from bases, depots and railheads over the entire British sector to the front - piled high with bales of hay for the mule lines at Avuley, spools of barbed wire, sand bags, duck boards and timber for revetment of the trenches. In all weathers, on all condtions of road, on pave, corduroy roads, (half logs or old sleepers), they trudged and rumbled with loads of .303 ammo and mills bombs, bully beef and hard tack, plum and apple jam - night and day supporting the troops.
Our kit has 69 castings plus etched details, transfers and written and illustrated instructions.
We are grateful for the assistance we received from the Army transport museum in BEVERLY, Yorks.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £43.20/$54.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
G.S.Wagon, 2 horses and Driver (No load) Ref: SMEBVK06K
See SMEB/VK06 for details of the wagon kit.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Sepcial delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £81.60/$102.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Pigeon-loft [Requires Horses] Ref: SMEB/VK07
These wagons were used extensively for the despatch of messages back to headquarters during the conflict and were often horse-drawn. We will be adding mules to our range later this year for those who prefer them.
A motorised loft based on the 'B-type' London Bus is also under construction.
The kit contains 37 resin castings, 63 white-metal castings, 7 sheets of etched brass parts/meshes, SMEB06 bicycle kit and very detailed instructions. For COMPETENT/ADVANCED MODELLERS
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special Delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £102.00/$127.50 (Including VAT at 20%)
MK 1 'G.S.' Limbered wagon Ref: SMEB/VK08
Once it became obvious that the mud of Passchendale was too much for a 'G.S.' wagon, even with 6 pairs of horses, the 'G.S.' Limbers came into their own. The increased articulation was far more suited to the shell torn roads and tracks over which they were obliged to operate. As with the 'G.S.' wagons, they could be called on to carry virtually anything, although the very design effectivly reduced the actual payload which the horses could handle.
This kit requires SMBDH/PB1 or SMBDH/PB2 plus up to four extra pairs of lead horses from SMBDH/PC-SMBDH/PF2.
The man power required for the 'G.S.' Limber and its team of horses was a driver, (SMB17B/G), plus a postillion rider for each pair of lead horses, (SMB17/G to SMB17E/G of your choice).
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs
These two kits will add tremendous realism and atmosphere to your WW1 diorama.
Price: £33.60/$42.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
G.S.Limbered wagon, 4 Horses and 2 figures Ref: SMEBVK8K
See SMEB/VK08 for wagon details
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special Delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £102.00/$127.50 (Including VAT at 20%)
MK IV 'Male' Tank Ref: SMEB/VK10
On the 1st July 1916, the whistles blew, and the 'NEW ARMY' went 'over the top', many to die on their own parapets in a hail of machine gun fire on that first day of the battle of the Somme. On the 15th September 1916, the first tanks lumbered into action on the Somme front - a piecemeal operation, but sufficient to strike terror into those Germans privelaged to receive the first asault. On the 19th September 1916, Hague requested a further 100 tanks to be ordered by the war office. Less than 3 months earlier, what a difference those few tanks would have made! - but it was not to be. Due to early commitents on production, the majority of tanks produced were the MK IV. The males were armed with 2 x 6 pounder guns and either 3 x Lewis machine guns or later 3 x Hotchkiss. The female tank has smaller sponsons and with machine guns only - 5 x Lewis or 5 x Hotchkiss. The female out-numbered the male version in service.
The MK IV weighed 28 tons, was 26'5" long, 8'2" high and was 13'6" wide, (male), or 10'6" wide, (female). Power was provided by a Daimler 6 cylinder 105 bhp at 1,000 revs engine. The tracks were 20.5" wide. In total 2624 tanks saw war service: MKI, MKII and MKIII totalled 200, MKIV =1220, MKV = 400, MKV* = 579, MKV** = 25, the medium MK A Whippet = 200.
Plans were in hand for an amoured assault in 1919 using Anglo-American 37 ton MKVIII tanks supported by hundreds of MKIX transport/troop carriers, with massive air support, but it was not to be.
We have been greatly aided by the tank museum, Bovington camp, Dorset and particularly by the unstinting help of David Fletcher, the librarian and author of many books on the subject. A visit is well worth while.
We recommend the use of 5-minute epoxy resins or viscous super glue or low melt solder for the assembly of this model.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or "Special Delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £151.20/$189.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
MK lV 'Female' Tank Ref: SMEB/VK10F
Picture to show type only.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £151.20/$189.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
60 Pdr MK1 Gun + carriage Ref: SMEB/GK01
This gun of 5" calibre was designed to give the most powerful artillary support possible within the weight limitations imposed by what a team of horses could reasonably draw. The standard horse team was ten and the weight they pulled was 58cwt. The range of the gun was 10,300 yards. This gun first went to war with the B. E. F. in the summer of 1914 and then in many theatres of war including WW2.
This superb kit is great, 'diorama' material and is designed to display every stage of operation - barrel drawn back on its trail and hitched on the carriage limber - 'on the march'. The gun can be shown with the breech open or closed, or in the position of elevation or recoil. Six bag charges, fused shells, unfused shells, shell fuse caps, ram and sponge are all included as per illustration.
Comprehensive instructions and illustrations are also supplied. Horse teams are also available see SMBDH.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £120.00/$150.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
60 Pdr + 6 Horses + 3 Gunners. Ref: SMEB/GK01K
The complete 60-pounder group 'on the road' - Gun, Limber, 6 Horses, 3 Gunners.
Note: The Gun could travel with up to 12 horses, dependant on the conditions.
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits or Special delivery" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £240.00/$300.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
13-Pdr Gun Ref: SMEB/GK02K
A pack of shells (High explosive and shrapnel) now available - See SMEB27
The limber is now available - see SMEB/GK06K
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £21.60/$27.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
18 Pdr Gun Ref: SMEB/GK03K
A pack of shells (High explosive and shrapnel) now available - See SMEB27
The limber is now available - see SMEB/GK06K
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £21.60/$27.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
4.5" British Howitzer Ref: SMEB/GK05
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £36.00/$45.00 (Including VAT at 20%)
Horse-drawn limber for 13/18-pounder guns Ref: SMEB/GK06K
A 15-part white-metal kit for the light limber.
Designed for use with SMEB/GK02K or SMEB/GK03K
For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.
International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs Price: £21.60/$27.00 (Including VAT at 20%)