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24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1

24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JUNE 2013

Diameter of drum is 24mm. 6 feet in 00 208.8cm in H0


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Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)

Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)


This figure is painted for illustration only - the kit is NOT painted
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Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase

Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase


Fitted 10.5mm disk wheels

BODY size:- Length=31.75mm x Width=14.35mm x Height=14.55mm (above rail)

These units must have weight applied to operate successfully.

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

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Romford 16.5mm axle with flat for grub screw (1/8" diameter)


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track. Includes two brass fixing nuts Slotted for improved grub screw location.

For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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6 x Crank pins for driving wheels

6 x Crank pins for driving wheels


Set of 6 with retainers for 10BA tapped hole or for self-tapping into OUR wheels.

NOTE: Extreme care must be taken if soldering the retainer onto the crank-pin as heat can damage the wheel centre.

Inexperienced modellers should use Markits/Romford De-luxe crankpins with bushes and 14BA nuts.
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Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8" diameter)

Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track.Includes two brass fixing nuts. For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1

20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2011

Diameter of drum is 20mm. 5 feet 0 inches in 00 174cm in H0

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Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)

Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)



Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = MCRNKPDL6 x 1

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1

16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2010.

Diameter of drum is 16mm. 4 feet in 00 139.2cm in H0

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18.45mm/16-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: March 2018

Diameter of drum is 18.45mm. 4 feet 7 1/2 inches in 00 160.5cm in H0

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Scenic - Scale 1:76 `OO' KITS

Scalelink | Scale Link White Metal & Resin Castings + Etchings N/HO/OO/O 1:43 - 1:160 | Scenic - Scale 1:76 `OO' KITS

Show First 12 Product(s) Show First 12 Product(s)

The 'Dairy Set'

The 'Dairy Set'

Ref: SLC013

16 pieces (Churns, ladles, etc.)

(Equipement de laiterie - Milchwirtschaft-material)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Granary' set

The 'Granary' set

Ref: SLC014

14 pieces (Scales, Rope, etc.)

LAST 3 (27-11-24)

(Equipement de graineterie - Kornkammer-material)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Potting Shed' set

The 'Potting Shed' set

Ref: SLC015

18 pieces.

(Equipement de jardinier - Gartner - material)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Garden accessories - assorted pots

Garden accessories - assorted pots

Ref: SLC015A

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Garden accessories - assorted trays

Garden accessories - assorted trays

Ref: SLC015B

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Aqua' set

The 'Aqua' set

Ref: SLC016

12 pieces. (Water butt, pumps, taps.)

(Tonneau, pompes et robinets de jardin - Wasserfass, wasserpumpe, wasserhahn)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Dustbins & junk' set

The 'Dustbins & junk' set

Ref: SLC017

11 pieces.

(Poubelles et detritus - Mullkasten und Ausschuss)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Brewer's & pub' set

The 'Brewer's & pub' set

Ref: SLC018

12 pieces.

(Equipement de brasseur - Fass und Lattenkiste)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Wood cutting/hedging' set

The 'Wood cutting/hedging' set

Ref: SLC019

17 pieces. (Saws, axes, etc.)

(Equipement de boucheron - Holzfaller-material)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

The 'Road/rail maintenance' set

The 'Road/rail maintenance' set

Ref: SLC020

13 pieces. NOTE: sign & debris not included.

(Equipement de cantonnier -Strassenarbeiter-material)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Agricultural and garden tools

Agricultural and garden tools

Ref: SLC021

14 pieces. (Hoe, forks, etc.)

(Outils horticoles - Gartengerat)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Village pump and horse trough

Village pump and horse trough

Ref: SLC022

8 pieces.

(Abreuvoir public - Pumpe-dorflich)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Garden Urns

Garden Urns

Ref: SLC024

Garden Urns & ornaments, 9 piece set.

(Urnes de jardin - Garten-urne)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

G.W.R. 14ft wooden seats x 2

G.W.R. 14ft wooden seats x 2

Ref: SLC038

(Bancs de gare ou parc - Bank fur bahnhof)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Crates of bottles x 12

Crates of bottles x 12

Ref: SLC049

(Caisses a bouteilles - Lattenkiste mit flasche)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Tapered milk churns x 12

Tapered milk churns x 12

Ref: SLC050

(Bidons a lait - Milchkanne)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Grain sacks x 10

Grain sacks x 10

Ref: SLC051

(Sacs a grain - Gransack)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Wooden gates

Wooden gates

Ref: SLC072

Two different 5-bar with posts, One 4-bar with posts.

(Barrieres de champ - Tore)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Village garage set (1930's-1950's)

Village garage set (1930's-1950's)

Ref: SLC127

1: oil cabinet , 2, 3: jacks, 4, 5, 6: petrol pumps

(Equipement de garage - Reparaturwerkstatte material)

Price: £9.60/$12.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Bee-hives x 4

Bee-hives x 4

Ref: SLC128

(Ruches - Bienenstock)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Granary 'staddle stones'

Granary 'staddle stones'

Ref: SLC129

6 piece set.

(Pierres a meule de foin - Stein fur heuschober)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Street lamps (non-working)

Street lamps (non-working)

Ref: SLC149

4 x lamp posts. 1 x bracket lamp. 1 x Glazing.

(Lampadaires - Strassenbeleuchtung)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Wall-lamps (non-working) x 5

Wall-lamps (non-working) x 5

Ref: SLC149A

See illustration above

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)



Ref: SLC150

2 styles, 6 of each.

(Bornes - Poller)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Wharfage set

Wharfage set

Ref: SLC151

A 22 piece set. A wall crane, bollards and cleats.

(Grue d'entrepot et bornes - Wandkran und poller)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

3mm Etched brass hand-wheels

3mm Etched brass hand-wheels

Ref: SLC160

108 hand-wheels per fret

Price: £7.20/$9.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Station & canopy columns-fluted x 6

Station & canopy columns-fluted x 6

Ref: SLC001

Station columns x 6. 7' 6" to scale

(Colonnes, support d'abri de quai 30mm - Saule)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Station & canopy columns-plain

Station & canopy columns-plain

Ref: SLC002

Station columns x 6. 8' 0" to scale

(Colonnes, support d'abri de quai 32mm - Saule)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Chimney pots

Chimney pots

Ref: SLC003

6 x tall round. 6 x short round

(Pots de cheminee ronds - Schornsteinaufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Chimney pots

Chimney pots

Ref: SLC004

6 x short square. 6 x tall square

(Pots de chimenee carres - Schornsteinaufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Chimney pots

Chimney pots

Ref: SLC005

Individual special pots. Pack of six.

(Pots de chimenee decoratif - Schornsteinaufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Chimney pots

Chimney pots

Ref: SLC006

Individual special pots. Pack of six.

(Pots de chimenee especial - Schornsteinaufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Half round guttering

Half round guttering

Ref: SLC007

12 x 50mm lengths.

(Cheneau, demi-rond - Dachrinne)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Box guttering

Box guttering

Ref: SLC008

12 x 50mm lengths.

(Cheneau, demi-carre - Dachrinne)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Half round guttering accessories

Half round guttering accessories

Ref: SLC007A

(Pieces pour cheneaux et toyaux de descente - ????)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Half round guttering clips x 35

Half round guttering clips x 35

Ref: SLC007B

(Agrafes pour cheneau demi-rond - ????)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Box guttering accessories

Box guttering accessories

Ref: SLC008A

(Pieces pour cheneaux et tuyaux de descente - ????)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Guttering brackets x 35

Guttering brackets x 35

Ref: SLC008B

(Agrafes pour cheneau demi-carre - ????)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Assorted gate posts x 7 pairs

Assorted gate posts x 7 pairs

Ref: SLC010

(Montants de portail - Turpfosten)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Assorted pier cappings

Assorted pier cappings

Ref: SLC009

6 assorted pairs of gate pier cappings and finials.

(Finitions de montant de portail - Tore-aufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

G.W.R. Footbridge columns

G.W.R. Footbridge columns

Ref: SLC011

8 x 2mm packing rings supplied for extra clearance if needed. 2 x smoke baffles

(Colonnes, support de passerelle et pare-fumees - Saule fur fussgangerbrucke)

Price: £9.60/$12.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Assorted finials x 16

Assorted finials x 16

Ref: SLC012

(Fleurons et bouches d'aeration - ????)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Corbels x 30

Corbels x 30

Ref: SLC023

18 x 4mm x 3.5mm plus 12 x 6mm x 4mm

(Corbeaux - Kragstein)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Ballustrading - 12 x 2ft. 12 x 3ft

Ballustrading - 12 x 2ft. 12 x 3ft

Ref: SLC027

(Ballustres 12 x 8mm. 12 x 12mm - Gelander-saule)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Ornate door canopies

Ornate door canopies

Ref: SLC028

1 each of 3 types. ALSO SHOWN: Entrance pilasters x 6 (2 types) SLC030

Entrance steps x 3 SLC035 (Railings - See Brass Frets Section SLF010)

(Portiques, Pilastres, Marche - Baldachin, Pilaster, Treppe)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Entrance pilasters x 3 pairs

Entrance pilasters x 3 pairs

Ref: SLC030

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Entrance steps x 3 sets

Entrance steps x 3 sets

Ref: SLC035

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Shop pilasters

Shop pilasters

Ref: SLC029

Ornate shop pilasters. 3 each of 2 types.

(Pilastres devanture de boutique - Pilaster)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Capitals and pedestals

Capitals and pedestals

Ref: SLC031

8 capitals & 8 pedestals. Use with 3mm tube which is not supplied.

(Hauts de colonne et pieds de colonne - Saulenknauf und Saulenfuss)

Price: £9.00/$11.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Gothic chimney stacks

Gothic chimney stacks

Ref: SLC032

3 types - 2 of each

(Pots de chiminee style `Gothique' - Shornsteinaufsatz `Gotisch')

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Chimney pots x 12

Chimney pots x 12

Ref: SLC052

6 `crown' 6 `louvred'

(Pots de chiminee - Schornsteinaufsatz)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

GCR Station columns

GCR Station columns

Ref: SLC071

Canopy/awning columns x 6 (Lester-Hitchin line, etc.)

Dimensions are:-

Height above ground to base of ringed section 33mm.

Height of ringed section = 19mm.

Base peg = 8mm.

(Colonnes, pour abri de quai - Saule)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Gents toilet fittings x 2 sets

Gents toilet fittings x 2 sets

Ref: SLC134

Set contains WC-pan, cistern, urinal & basin.

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Cow and Bullock

Cow and Bullock

Ref: SLC116

Standing cow and bullock.

(Vache et Boeuf debout - Kuh und Osche stehend)

Price: £6.60/$8.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Cow and Bullock grazing

Cow and Bullock grazing

Ref: SLC116A

(Vache et boeuf, broutant - Kuh und Osche grasen)

Price: £6.60/$8.25 (Including VAT at 20%)

Cow and Bullock resting

Cow and Bullock resting

Ref: SLC116B

(Vache et boeuf, couches - Kuh und Osche ruhe)

Price: £6.60/$8.25 (Including VAT at 20%)



Ref: SLC117

6 standing sheep looking in various directions.

(Moutons debout - Shafe stehen)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Sheep, grazing x 6

Sheep, grazing x 6

Ref: SLC117A

(Moutons broutant - Shafe grasen)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Sheep resting x 6

Sheep resting x 6

Ref: SLC117B

(Moutons couches - Shafe ruhe)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Sheep assortment x 7

Sheep assortment x 7

Ref: SLC117C

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Pigs x 4 plus sow & litter

Pigs x 4 plus sow & litter

Ref: SLC118

(Cochons x 4 + Truie et porcelets - Schwein x 4 + Sau und schweinchen)

Price: £7.80/$9.75 (Including VAT at 20%)

Scalelink | Scale Link White Metal & Resin Castings + Etchings N/HO/OO/O 1:43 - 1:160 | Scenic - Scale 1:76 `OO' KITS