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24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1

24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JUNE 2013

Diameter of drum is 24mm. 6 feet in 00 208.8cm in H0


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Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)

Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)


This figure is painted for illustration only - the kit is NOT painted
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Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase

Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase


Fitted 10.5mm disk wheels

BODY size:- Length=31.75mm x Width=14.35mm x Height=14.55mm (above rail)

These units must have weight applied to operate successfully.

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

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Romford 16.5mm axle with flat for grub screw (1/8" diameter)


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track. Includes two brass fixing nuts Slotted for improved grub screw location.

For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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6 x Crank pins for driving wheels

6 x Crank pins for driving wheels


Set of 6 with retainers for 10BA tapped hole or for self-tapping into OUR wheels.

NOTE: Extreme care must be taken if soldering the retainer onto the crank-pin as heat can damage the wheel centre.

Inexperienced modellers should use Markits/Romford De-luxe crankpins with bushes and 14BA nuts.
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Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8" diameter)

Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track.Includes two brass fixing nuts. For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1

20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2011

Diameter of drum is 20mm. 5 feet 0 inches in 00 174cm in H0

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Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)

Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)



Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = MCRNKPDL6 x 1

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
find out more

16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1

16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2010.

Diameter of drum is 16mm. 4 feet in 00 139.2cm in H0

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18.45mm/16-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: March 2018

Diameter of drum is 18.45mm. 4 feet 7 1/2 inches in 00 160.5cm in H0

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O-scale (1:43) S & D Figures 001-100 (Retail only)

Scalelink | O-scale (1:43) S & D Figures 001-100 (Retail only)

Show First 12 Product(s) Show First 12 Product(s)

Cocker Spaniel - sitting

Cocker Spaniel - sitting

Ref: PHOA001

Price: £2.00/$2.50

Unharnessed Mule

Unharnessed Mule

Ref: PHOA002

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Grazing Holstein Horse

Grazing Holstein Horse

Ref: PHOA003

Price: £6.00/$7.50



Ref: PHOA004

Price: £2.00/$2.50

Rustic Table & Bench

Rustic Table & Bench

Ref: PHOF001

Price: £4.50/$5.63

Pair of Rustic Bench Seats

Pair of Rustic Bench Seats

Ref: PHOF001A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated Countryman wearing 'Deerstalker' hat

Seated Countryman wearing 'Deerstalker' hat

Ref: PHOF002

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Industrial loco driver.

Industrial loco driver.

Ref: PHOF002A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Dog, begging

Dog, begging

Ref: PHOF003

Price: £2.00/$2.50

Standing Man with hands in pockets

Standing Man with hands in pockets

Ref: PHOF004

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Woman standing holding handbag

Woman standing holding handbag

Ref: PHOF005

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Porter with burst-open suitcase

Porter with burst-open suitcase

Ref: PHOF006

Price: £4.50/$5.63

Man smoking, wearing a cap & scarf

Man smoking, wearing a cap & scarf

Ref: PHOF007

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Woman with a basket of shopping

Woman with a basket of shopping

Ref: PHOF008

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Newspaper vendor

Newspaper vendor

Ref: PHOF009

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Policeman standing, one arm behind his back

Policeman standing, one arm behind his back

Ref: PHOF010

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Small boy with a catapult.

Small boy with a catapult.

Ref: PHOF011

Price: £2.50/$3.13

Woman in overalls admonishing

Woman in overalls admonishing

Ref: PHOF012

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Woman with handbag, walking

Woman with handbag, walking

Ref: PHOF013

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Man in an overcoat with hat & briefcase

Man in an overcoat with hat & briefcase

Ref: PHOF014

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Station Master directing passengers

Station Master directing passengers

Ref: PHOF015

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Smartly dressed lady

Smartly dressed lady

Ref: PHOF016

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Young girl standing with hands clasped in front

Young girl standing with hands clasped in front

Ref: PHOF017

Price: £2.50/$3.13

Ex-serviceman with a concertina

Ex-serviceman with a concertina

Ref: PHOF018

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Ex-serviceman with crutch & collecting cup

Ex-serviceman with crutch & collecting cup

Ref: PHOF019

Price: £3.50/$4.38

Ex-serviceman playing mouth-organ

Ex-serviceman playing mouth-organ

Ref: PHOF020

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Sailor with kitbag & case

Sailor with kitbag & case

Ref: PHOF021

Price: £3.50/$4.38

Soldier with kitbag, lighting a cigarette

Soldier with kitbag, lighting a cigarette

Ref: PHOF022

Price: £4.00/$5.00

Locomotive driver with left arm raised.

Locomotive driver with left arm raised.

Ref: PHOF023

Price: £3.00/$3.75

As PHOF23 but wearing a bowler hat

As PHOF23 but wearing a bowler hat

Ref: PHOF023A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Locomotive fireman, resting on his shovel

Locomotive fireman, resting on his shovel

Ref: PHOF024

Price: £3.00/$3.75

As PHOF24 but wearing a bowler hat

As PHOF24 but wearing a bowler hat

Ref: PHOF024A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Shunter with lamp & pole

Shunter with lamp & pole

Ref: PHOF025

Price: £3.00/$3.75



Ref: PHOF026

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated Bus Driver [separate arms]

Seated Bus Driver [separate arms]

Ref: PHOF027

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Driver - seated with arm on lap

Driver - seated with arm on lap

Ref: PHOF027A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Flower seller

Flower seller

Ref: PHOF028

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Lady, walking

Lady, walking

Ref: PHOF029

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated lady, hands in muff

Seated lady, hands in muff

Ref: PHOF030

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated gentleman wearing boater

Seated gentleman wearing boater

Ref: PHOF031

See picture above

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated farm worker with tankard

Seated farm worker with tankard

Ref: PHOF032

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Busty Farm Girl with bucket

Busty Farm Girl with bucket

Ref: PHOF033

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Waitress carrying tray

Waitress carrying tray

Ref: PHOF034

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Signalman with a watch in his hand

Signalman with a watch in his hand

Ref: PHOF035

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Guard with raised flag

Guard with raised flag

Ref: PHOF036

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Train Guard with lowered flag

Train Guard with lowered flag

Ref: PHOF036A

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Manhole inspection crew

Manhole inspection crew

Ref: PHOF037

Price: £8.00/$10.00

Lady seated hands clasped

Lady seated hands clasped

Ref: PHOF038

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Female loco crew in shorts [2 of]

Female loco crew in shorts [2 of]

Ref: PHOF039

Attractive girls!

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Bare-headed, Portly Shopkeeper

Bare-headed, Portly Shopkeeper

Ref: PHOF040

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Shop-keeper with bow tie & boater

Shop-keeper with bow tie & boater

Ref: PHOF041

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Workman with Spade

Workman with Spade

Ref: PHOF042

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Workman with mug of tea & roll

Workman with mug of tea & roll

Ref: PHOF043

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Workman leaning on shovel

Workman leaning on shovel

Ref: PHOF044

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Man wearing cap & scarf

Man wearing cap & scarf

Ref: PHOF045

Reading newspaper

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated man with bowler hat reading a newspaper

Seated man with bowler hat reading a newspaper

Ref: PHOF046

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Porter without barrow

Porter without barrow

Ref: PHOF047

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Painter/Decorator without ladder

Painter/Decorator without ladder

Ref: PHOF048

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Gentleman standing with suitcase

Gentleman standing with suitcase

Ref: PHOF049

Price: £3.50/$4.38

Picnic set

Picnic set

Ref: PHOF050

Price: £8.50/$10.63

Locomotive driver leaning out of cab

Locomotive driver leaning out of cab

Ref: PHOF051

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Locomotive fireman holding a rag & leaning out

Locomotive fireman holding a rag & leaning out

Ref: PHOF052

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Tram Driver with separate arms

Tram Driver with separate arms

Ref: PHOF53

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Tram or bus conductress

Tram or bus conductress

Ref: PHOF054

Price: £3.60/$4.50 (Including VAT at 20%)

Storeman/Shop manager in overall

Storeman/Shop manager in overall

Ref: PHOF055

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Labourer/Shop assistant holding broom

Labourer/Shop assistant holding broom

Ref: PHOF056

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Errand boy with trader's bicycle

Errand boy with trader's bicycle

Ref: PHOF057

Price: £7.50/$9.38

District Nurse

District Nurse

Ref: PHOF058

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Elegant Edwardian lady

Elegant Edwardian lady

Ref: PHOF059

Price: £3.00/$3.75

2 Schoolgirls walking - 1 crying

2 Schoolgirls walking - 1 crying

Ref: PHOF060

Price: £5.00/$6.25

2 Schoolgirls running

2 Schoolgirls running

Ref: PHOF061

Price: £5.00/$6.25

Harnessed Street Horse with head up

Harnessed Street Horse with head up

Ref: PHOF062

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Street Horse with head down

Street Horse with head down

Ref: PHOF063

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Harnessed Street Horse with head turned to left

Harnessed Street Horse with head turned to left

Ref: PHOF064

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Farm or Cart Horse

Farm or Cart Horse

Ref: PHOF065

Price: £6.50/$8.13

Farmhand to lead a horse

Farmhand to lead a horse

Ref: PHOF066

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Farmer riding a horse

Farmer riding a horse

Ref: PHOF067

Price: £8.00/$10.00

Lady riding a horse. side-saddle

Lady riding a horse. side-saddle

Ref: PHOF068

Price: £8.00/$10.00

Coalman carrying a sack of coal

Coalman carrying a sack of coal

Ref: PHOF069

Price: £4.00/$5.00

Seated delivery van driver

Seated delivery van driver

Ref: PHOF070

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Bread Delivery Man

Bread Delivery Man

Ref: PHOF071

Price: £4.00/$5.00

Edwardian beach photographer with tripod

Edwardian beach photographer with tripod

Ref: PHOF072

Price: £5.00/$6.25

Edwardian couple in beachwear

Edwardian couple in beachwear

Ref: PHOF073

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Edwardian boy & girl in beachwear

Edwardian boy & girl in beachwear

Ref: PHOF074

Price: £5.00/$6.25

Edwardian young woman posing

Edwardian young woman posing

Ref: PHOF075

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Edwardian girl riding a donkey

Edwardian girl riding a donkey

Ref: PHOF076

Price: £6.50/$8.13

Riderless donkey

Riderless donkey

Ref: PHOF077

Price: £4.00/$5.00

Donkey attendant

Donkey attendant

Ref: PHOF078

Price: £3.00/$3.75

5-bar gate & gateposts

5-bar gate & gateposts

Ref: PHOF079

Price: £5.00/$6.25

Workman standing with pick-axe over shoulder

Workman standing with pick-axe over shoulder

Ref: PHOF080

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Young man standing [1990's]

Young man standing [1990's]

Ref: PHOF081

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Young man standing with a video camera

Young man standing with a video camera

Ref: PHOF082

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Young woman in slacks/sweater [1990's]

Young woman in slacks/sweater [1990's]

Ref: PHOF083

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Man wearing flat cap, standing

Man wearing flat cap, standing

Ref: PHOF084

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Young boy standing, pointing

Young boy standing, pointing

Ref: PHOF085

Price: £2.50/$3.13

Young girl with a walkman

Young girl with a walkman

Ref: PHOF086

Price: £2.50/$3.13

1950's couple with a transistor radio

1950's couple with a transistor radio

Ref: PHOF087

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Countryman/Gamekeeper with Shotgun

Countryman/Gamekeeper with Shotgun

Ref: PHOF088

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Man shooting gun and his loader

Man shooting gun and his loader

Ref: PHOF089

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Warrener [Rabbit farmer]

Warrener [Rabbit farmer]

Ref: PHOF090

Price: £3.00/$3.75



Ref: PHOF091

Price: £2.00/$2.50

Bearded tramp with bundle

Bearded tramp with bundle

Ref: PHOF092

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Seated Fisherman with Rod & Creel

Seated Fisherman with Rod & Creel

Ref: PHOF093

Price: £6.00/$7.50

Workman leaning forward, scratching head

Workman leaning forward, scratching head

Ref: PHOF094

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Blacksmith with anvil & tools

Blacksmith with anvil & tools

Ref: PHOF095

Price: £8.50/$10.63

Industrial forge hearth

Industrial forge hearth

Ref: PHOF096

Price: £8.50/$10.63

6 Conical Milk Churns

6 Conical Milk Churns

Ref: PHOF097

Price: £7.50/$9.38

6 Straight-sided Milk Churns

6 Straight-sided Milk Churns

Ref: PHOF098

Price: £7.00/$8.75

3 Schoolboy Train-spotters

3 Schoolboy Train-spotters

Ref: PHOF099

Price: £7.50/$9.38

Workman with Shovel

Workman with Shovel

Ref: PHOF100

Price: £3.00/$3.75

Scalelink | O-scale (1:43) S & D Figures 001-100 (Retail only)