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24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1

24mm/18-spoke Driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JUNE 2013

Diameter of drum is 24mm. 6 feet in 00 208.8cm in H0


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Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)

Omen - Young lady in a mini-dress (1960's)


This figure is painted for illustration only - the kit is NOT painted
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Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase

Hanazono 12 volt motor bogie 24.5mm wheelbase


Fitted 10.5mm disk wheels

BODY size:- Length=31.75mm x Width=14.35mm x Height=14.55mm (above rail)

These units must have weight applied to operate successfully.

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

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Romford 16.5mm axle with flat for grub screw (1/8" diameter)


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track. Includes two brass fixing nuts Slotted for improved grub screw location.

For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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6 x Crank pins for driving wheels

6 x Crank pins for driving wheels


Set of 6 with retainers for 10BA tapped hole or for self-tapping into OUR wheels.

NOTE: Extreme care must be taken if soldering the retainer onto the crank-pin as heat can damage the wheel centre.

Inexperienced modellers should use Markits/Romford De-luxe crankpins with bushes and 14BA nuts.
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Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8" diameter)

Romford 16.5mm Axle (1/8


MRAX/OO 1/8" diameter axle for 16.5mm track.Includes two brass fixing nuts. For spacing washers see WPY33

Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = 3 axles

When the future of Markits is known, we will review the situation.

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1

20mm/17-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2011

Diameter of drum is 20mm. 5 feet 0 inches in 00 174cm in H0

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Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)

Markits DeLuxe Crankpin sets (6)



Owing to the current closure of Markits, following Mark's death, we are currently only supplying

these components commensurate with a purchase of Scale Link wheels. i.e. 6 wheels = MCRNKPDL6 x 1

Orders received without the appropriate quantity of Scale Link wheels will currently not be supplied.
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16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1

16mm /12-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: JULY 2010.

Diameter of drum is 16mm. 4 feet in 00 139.2cm in H0

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18.45mm/16-spoke driving wheel x 1


Produced by Scale Link/LSL with an ABS centre and nickled tyre.

Designed for use with Romford axles. Released: March 2018

Diameter of drum is 18.45mm. 4 feet 7 1/2 inches in 00 160.5cm in H0

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British Soldiers

Scalelink | WW1 1:32 scale / Grande Guerre | British |  British Soldiers

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British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB01

A study of war photographs will show most soldiers in very casual postures in most instances - only in death does an awful variety manifest itself. Troops march to and from the front, walk into action, (its how fast you 'hit the deck' that counts). Standing, sitting, waiting, lifting, digging, carrying - these are the activities that we reflect.

All figures and equipment are White metal castings, some with etched brass detailing. And the figures are supplied with separate heads, arms and equipment unless stated otherwise.

Heads and arms are premixed to give an overall realism and are SOLD ON THAT BASIS. For maximum variation and effects, heads and arms are interchangeable, and packs containing alternatives are sold separately.

Figures are produced with different leg positions, and this determines the model's number. For example, SMB02 is marching, left foot forward, with a rifle slung over his right shoulder and wearing a soft peaked cap. He also has FSMO, (Full Service Marching Order).

Certain figures for example SMB01 - SMB05 are also available as Lewis gunners, and here again, the model number determines the leg position.

These general principles apply to all our figures, irrespective of nationality, although obviously the equipment is particular to each army, and is supplied as such.

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Click here for larger image

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB02

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB03

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB04

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB05

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB06

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldiers

British Soldiers

Ref: SMB08

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldier standing firing

British Soldier standing firing

Ref: SMB09

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldier digging with spade

British Soldier digging with spade

Ref: SMB09G

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldier crouching

British Soldier crouching

Ref: SMB10

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldier Kneeling

British Soldier Kneeling

Ref: SMB11

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

British Soldier kneeling on both knees

British Soldier kneeling on both knees

Ref: SMB12

For shipping you must select "Small boxed kits" or we cannot supply.

International shipping = e-mail for shipping costs

Price: £12.00/$15.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Scalelink | WW1 1:32 scale / Grande Guerre | British |  British Soldiers